Jay-Z has finally weighed in on one of the internet's favorite debates. When asked by Gayle King of CBS News if it’s smarter to take $500,000 in cash or have lunch with Jay-Z, he quickly replied: “You’ve gotta take the money.” Even after King explained the other side of the argument — that the insight you'd get from the meal could be worth more than $500,000 — the hip hop mogul insisted that any wisdom he might have to offer is already contained in his music. “You’ve got all that in the music for $10.99,” he said. “Like, take the $500,000, go buy some albums, and listen to the albums. It’s all there. If you piece it together and really listen to the music for the words, for what it is, it’s all there.” The 'bag of cash or dinner with Jay-Z' question has circulated on social media since 2017, sparking endless discussion.