Our Monday, June 22nd Hometown Heroes are Chris O’Calleaghan and Shawn Leonard of Stuttgart Motors. They were nominated by Chris’s sister, Christine. Christine says, “My brother Chris and his friend Shawn own Stuttgart Motors in Lexington. During this pandemic they have been trying to support local businesses with thier social media pages. Each time they eat at a local business they check in on Facebook and post a picture to encourage others to do the same. They are having car car clinics and cross-promoting other local businesses to help expose the businesses to their customers. The also organized birthday parades for 2 little boys they knew were having birthdays during this and couldn’t see their friends. Shawn and Chris got some fancy cars, Shawn’s wife got a ton of ballons and they went by the boy’s houses. They are my heroes!
Brought to you by Republic Bank and Clark’s Pump N Shop!