A Message from the Fayette County Sheriff Office:
As you may be aware, for several years, the Office of the Fayette County Sheriff has launched its Winter Care program during ice and snow storms. We found that during these events there were several needs that our citizens needed help with. Some were medication and grocery pickups. Some citizens just needed a friendly visit. Assisting our citizens with these needs not only met the need but also helped to decrease anxiety and worry.
With the same spirit of serving and offering compassion, today we launched OPERATION COMPASSION!
OPERATION COMPASSION is intended to help those who feel they can’t get to the pharmacy or grocery but need their medications ,groceries and other essential supplies picked up and delivered to their home. Its intended to play a small part in keeping our citizens healthy and safe!
The Office of Sheriff can also provide welfare checks for those who may be shut in.
We are honored to be on #TeamKentucky and #FayetteSheriffStrong!
Call us at 859.252.1771 if you need assistance!